By signing this agreement, you authorize to regularly scheduled charges to your credit card month for a period of 12 months from the date of the first charge. You will be charged the amount indicated below each billing period. A receipt for each payment will be provided to you and the charge will appear on your credit card statement. You agree that no-prior authorization will be provided unless the date or amount changes, inwhich case you will receive notice from us prior to the payment being collected.
This membership cannot be combined with other discounts or offers. This membership cannot be redeemed for cash. This membership is non-transferrable. There will be a onetime $300 cancellation charge, should you choose to cancel your membership before the 12-month period is over.
authorizes Revitalist to charge my credit card indicated below for $ 100 on the first day of each month. Minimum of a twelve-month (12) membership is required, and I acknowledge that I must give thirty (30) notice for early cancellation. If I cancel before the twelve-month membership agreement, I agree to the one-time $300 cancellation fee.